Getting Support in The Netherlands

As newcomers to a new country where we may not yet speak the language or know the system, it may be a little daunting to seek support when we are struggling with our mental health. I hope to provide a short summary of how it works (please keep in mind that everyone’s case varies depending on their location, insurance coverage, etc.).

If you are currently struggling severely, please call your doctor for immediate help

The first step is to reach out to your general practitioner. Not all doctors are well-versed in mental health issues, if you feel like your doctor is not receptive, don’t hesitate to advocate for yourself and further explain how your current situation is affecting other aspects of your life.

ABC's of Mental Health in NL

The professional titles “psychologist” & “therapist” are not protected titles in NL, this means anyone can advertise as such. Make sure you do proper quality control of who you want to go to.

Your insurance company usually has a network of professionally accredited or recognized practitioners. They can help alleviate the search.

Make sure you understand which services are covered under your insurance policy, which practitoners are fully covered, which partially, and which are not.

The only mental health professionals who are fully covered under basic health insurance are those registered under the BIG registry.  In order to visit one of these professionals, it is first required to obtain a referral letter from your general practitioner.

These are psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, neuropsychologists, and psychotherapists.  However, not all of these professionals work with health insurance, they opt to practice privately.  So always check with your health insurance provider.

Other mental health specialists may fall under professionals covered under your “alternative care” policy.  These include therapists like myself.  Again, always due your due diligence and research the provider’s credentials and experience.

Links and Resources

Knowledge is power! The more you know about how it works to find support in The Netherlands, the more empowered you’ll feel.

Local and Government Links

Government of the Netherlands

Official government page with resources and information on mental health. Visit website

de Nederlandse ggz

GGZ is the sector organization of specialist mental health and addiction care providers in the Netherlands. Visit website

Slachtoffer HULP Nederland

Victim support in NL. If you’ve witnessed or have been part of a crime, accident, natural disaster, they provide support. Visit website

Expat Center Links

The Hague international centre

Great summary of info on how to find help in NL/The Hague area. Visit Website


Great summary of info on how to find help in NL/The Hague area. Visit website

Action For Happiness Calendar

Happiness Project. Visit website


Monthly Happiness Calendar